
High-security encryption for mobile phones, all integrated in a microSD card

The ultimate encryption platform with high-security applications for voice, fax and files

Secure connections in public IP networks

Highest security with maximum performance of 100 Gbit/s

IP VPN encryption unit designed for large data transfers

Secure broadband connections in public
IP networks

Secure broadband connections in public
IP networks

Enables absolutely secure virtual private networks

Encryption Platform for Ethernet and IP VPN Applications

The world's fastest Ethernet encryption

Universal protocol for encrypted LAN/MAN/WAN networks

High-security system for protecting your sensitive information in the network

10 Gb/s encryption output for point-to-point connections

1 Gb/s encryption output for point-to-point connections

For backbone networks with huge bandwidths up to 10 Gb/s

High-security encryption for SONET/SDH at full wire speed

Universal encryption platform for the protection of all radio and military IP networks

Secure messaging with standard e-mail graphical user interface over radio

Secure voice and chat communication over radio all the way to the tactical level

Complete protection of data and information in a PDH-E1 application

Compact SatCom solution for remote operation

Computer-based security management centre for all security and monitoring tasks

Comprehensive management of all configuration settings for Crypto products.

Secure broadband connections in public
IP networks