Crypto Management Suite CMS-1200
The Crypto Management Suite CMS-1200 supports all necessary administration tasks and provides a useful collection of management tools geared to the needs of the administrator of an encryption system.
The core task in security management is to distribute and change the encryption keys. These keys are centrally defined, managed and distributed to all encryption units. First, a new key is generated in a payload domain and assigned an activation date. All encryption units using the corresponding payload domain now show a change in their status. This shows that an updated configuration is available. It is therefore evident immediately after a new key is defined, which units require an update by Crypto Management.
The heart of security in the Crypto Management Suite is sophisticated hardware. This security module conducts all security-relevant actions in its protected environment. Sensitive elements such as keys are randomly generated and encrypted in the security module in the process. As a result, they are protected immediately after generation for storage in the database and transmission to the encryption units.
Comprehensive centralised security management
Tamper-proof security module
True random key generation
Secure management data distribution
Management of Crypto unit parameters